Garden Office Design

Project overview

A garden office design is ideal if you prefer to have a separation between home and work.

This amazing bespoke garden office near Brighton provides two dedicated working areas along with storage, a kitchenette and W/C, all within an energy efficient garden building. It features numerous elements which firmly position it as an enviable contemporary garden office.

The bespoke furniture includes concealed storage, an electrically controlled rise and fall standing desk to allow optimum flexibility over ergonomics. Discreet colour change lighting provides interest and accent to the décor and allows the space to add to the garden during the hours of darkness, remote controlled electric full height window blinds afford privacy and screening. When the weather is fine then the folding sliding doors of this custom garden office allow the user to completely engage with nature in the landscaped garden, the perfect opportunity to lean back and enjoy the view.

If you have space in your garden which you’re interested in converting into a bespoke garden office to meet your individual working needs, do contact us for an initial consultation.

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